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KadaiAdapter also provides a way to monitor the health of the Adapter, Camunda Engine, Outbox, and the Job Scheduler. This can be done by sending a request to the following endpoint:

GET http://localhost:8082/actuator/health/external-services

assuming that the adapter application runs at http://localhost:8082.

When all of the services are healthy, it will give the following response:

"status": "UP",
"components": {
"Camunda Health": {
"status": "UP",
"details": {
"Camunda Engines": [
"name": "default"
"Kadai Health": {
"status": "UP",
"details": {
"Kadai Version": "9.2.0"
"Outbox Health": {
"status": "UP",
"details": {
"Outbox Service": {
"eventsCount": 0
"Scheduler Health": {
"status": "UP",
"details": {
"Last Run": "2025-02-03T10:20:36.174928Z"

The above response shows the overall status and the individual health details for each service.

Response Structure

  • status: Represents the overall health of the system. If all services are operational it returns "UP".
  • components: Contains the health status and details of individual services within KadaiAdapter.

Component Breakdown

Camunda Health

When healthy, it should return a list of the available Camunda Engines

  • "status": "UP" means the engine is running properly.
  • "Camunda Engines" lists the available Camunda engines by name.

Kadai Health

When healthy, it should return the KADAI version being used

  • "status": "UP" means the KADAI service is running properly.
  • Kadai Version specifies the current running version of KADAI

Outbox Health

When healthy, it should return the count of events in the outbox

  • "status": "UP" means the Outbox service is running properly.
  • "eventsCount" represents the number of unprocessed events in the outbox

Scheduler Health

When healthy, it should return the last run timestamp of the job scheduler

  • "status": "UP" means the scheduler is running properly
  • Last Run shows the timestamp of the last successful scheduler execution

If any of the service is not running properly, the overall status and the corresponding service will be DOWN and the error will be shown in the "details"