📄️ How to use Service Provider Interfaces (SPIs)
KADAI allows
📄️ List of provided SPIs
Please read general SPI information to understand SPIs in KADAI in general.
📄️ KadaiHistory SPI
To follow this article, please read general SPI information before proceeding.
📄️ KADAI Jobs
During the usage of KADAI, some functionality has to be executed in the background implicitly.
📄️ Monitoring
Monitoring is a real time observation of the current state of work.
📄️ Users
In KADAI, a User is an entity that represents a user. A user is used for authentication as well as for specifying the owner of a Task. The User entity has attributes such as name, phone number and e-mail.
📄️ Queries: Filtering and Sorting
You can get a list of Tasks, Workbaskets, Classifications,