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In KADAI, a User is an entity that represents a user. A user is used for authentication as well as for specifying the owner of a Task. The User entity has attributes such as name, phone number and e-mail.

A user can belong to one or multiple groups and have permissions assigned. Groups and permissions are used to determine additional access rights of the user. For example, if "user-1" belongs to the group "group-1", and "group-1" has access to the Workbasket "workbasket-of-group-1", then "user-1" has access to the "workbasket-of-group-1". The same applies to permissions. Users, Groups and permissions are identified via an AccessId in KADAI. The AccessId is used for determining access rights through WorkbasketAccessItems. You can read more about it here. Additionally, Users and Groups both have Roles assigned.

Operations on Users

You can create, get, update and delete a User via UserService in the Java-API. In the REST-API, you can fetch detailed information about Users via the associated API operations. A detailed description of the REST operations on AccessIds, Users and Groups can be found in the REST API documentation

You can set up your Users using LDAP. In this case, you can also use the UserInfoRefreshJob to keep the Users up to date with your .ldif file.


You can read more about the configuration of Users here.